Prema Model For Heppieness

You cannot just buy happiness, you have to get up and work on it to get it in your life!

Prema Model For Heppieness
Prema Model For Heppieness

Prema Model For Heppieness

You cannot just buy happiness, you have to get up and work on it to get it in your life!

1. Positive Emotions

Experiencing positive emotions, which include hope, joy, love, compassion, gratitude, etc. 
Spend time with I I , doing activities that make you happy, listen to your ovor lie music, focus on positive things in your life

2. Engagement

is achieving the state of flow with activities \J JU are doh , means you are so absorbed in the activity that you don't care aboi the time and result. 
You are doing it F,,rn' IcP In! enjoy the process. Do something every day where you get °tally engaged. 

3. Relationships

Relationships are fi in-lnrr-ntnic for well-being. Happiness is feeling loved, supported, and valued bu our family, partner, friends, etc. 
Work on HPvalnrinn nn maintaining relationships. Make friends, talk to friends or family, Din some classes that interests you which can also increase your social circle. 

4. Meaning

having a purpose in life is different for different peoples, but if you have a purpose in life, you will be iuLudu and be aware of your priorities in the difficult phase of life. 
Meaning can be found through your career, any social cause, your relly,,,6, belief, etc. 

5. Accomplishments

help to build self-esteem and self-belief. Hence, start setting realistic goals to yuL professional or personal life. 
Reflect D n your past successes and celebrate all your achievements, even if you think it's a 7mall one .