Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome

Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome

Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome
Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome

Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome

1. What is Imposter Symdrome?

"Imposter syndrome," or doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud at work. 
- Harvard Business Review

2. The Hidden Imposter

Personally, I feel I am a self-confident guy. But recently, my hidden imposter struck me, just like many out there. 

3. The Incident:

A week ago, I sealed an international content writing deal that skyrocketed my confidence in my abilities. The client/CEO of the firm informed me that they would mail me the details of the first project two days after our meeting. 
Two days passed. Then three, then five. I followed up, as usual. No response. 

4. Self Questioning Phase

Did I charge too high? Did the client find someone else better than me? Did they think I don't have what it takes to provide quality content? 
These were some of the questions my mind started to throw at me. The hidden imposter in me made a grand appearance on stage. 
I was badly seeking some inspiration to get my thoughts back on track. 

5. Climax

Two days later, a notification popped up on my phone. 
"Very sorry, Sidharth, I was down with fever for the past few days. I'm mailing you the work details today." 
I told my imposter, "There's the door. Please clear yourself out."