How I Took The Biggest Risk Of My Life


How I Took The Biggest Risk Of My Life
How I Took The Biggest Risk Of My Life

How I Took The Biggest Risk Of My Life


1. Taking Control

During my high school, I was introduced to this concept of entrance exams. Entrance exams were like the gate keepers who decide your CAREER. 
If you don't make the gatekeepers happy, you loose the control of your life. Most people were happy to do that, for the safety of a good college, they were ready to sacrifice their dreams. 
I didn't want to, so I knew I had to make my own way through this tradition. I was very good at Maths and I wanted to study what I wanted. 

2. Dreams And Family

I knew just 3 things at that time 1.1 am very good at Maths 2.1 want to take control of my career 3.1 want to study something different 
I got introduced to the idea of studying abroad. The opportunities abroad seemed unlimited and I found the thing which excited me - Robotics. 
But there was a big road block my family income was Rs 40000/month and the cost to study abroad was Rs 200000/month. 
Things spiralled out of control..

3. Out Of Control

I had proven my strength in Maths (highly needed for Robotics) by scoring very high marks in my finals. My dad took the biggest risk in his life by risking all his savings on my strengths. 
I came to UK with big dreams. I started cutting down costs by eating as less as possible and by not going home during holidays living alone while my friends posted their new year celebrations with their families. 
Then in my second year at university the value of Indian Rupees against British Pound fell down drastically which doubled my fees and expense. 

4. Leap of Faith

Me and my dad were mentally prepared for me to leave my studies in the middle and come back to India to start again. 
We just couldn't afford the expense any more. 
But my mom stopped us and she told us to have faith and just go for it. She said we will find a way to get more money. 
And the Universe conspired. Here I am living in UK from last 8 years. Bought a house, funded my sister's education. The risk paid off in abundance. 

5. Lessons Learnt

1. Always stay in control of your destiny by creating your own path. 2. Always take risks on your strengths. 3. Prove your strengths to the people who are taking the risk for you. 4. Have faith in the universe as you will be tested with every risk. 5. Have faith in your strengths as they will help you turn risks into rewards. 
I hope this story helps some of you to be bold this New Year by taking risks on your strenghts. Don't Forget To Save it & Share It to help others.