5 Ways To Create Marketing That Gets An Amazing Response

5 Ways To Create Marketing That Gets An Amazing Response

5 Ways To Create Marketing That Gets An Amazing Response
5 Ways To Create Marketing That Gets An Amazing Response

5 Ways To Create Marketing That Gets An Amazing Response

1. Become "the hot pricing idea"

Premium pricing is not for everyone... but consider that, if you're positioning yourself as exclusive, your pricing should likely match your message.

2. Create an Itch, Then Scratch It

It comes when we feel a gap 'between what we know and what we want to know'. This gap has emotional consequences: it feels like a mental itch, a mosquito bite on the brain. We seek out new knowledge because that's how we scratch the itch. 

3. Show Them Your Crystal Ball

Your job is to show them what their future will look like when they become a customer of yours. Drip is an email marketing software. Yet, you don't see the word "email" until the 6th line of text on their website

4. Make the Customer a Star

By featuring customers, instead of having testimonials buried in a sidebar, you'll prominently display your social proof on your landing page.